How in heaven's name did new mom's know what to do before the omniscient Google search? I guess back then they had grandmothers and aunts and older sisters and midwives always at arms reach, which -- for the record -- I would give my left foot to have near me. But in lieu of that, I guess I am grateful for technological advances that shoot back applicable responses to my inquiry of "How much should my baby be eating?" and "Can I give my baby a hunk of apple?" (The answer to the last question is yes, btw).
Lately, Forrest is the most spastic nurser ever, and I've been worried he isn't getting enough breast milk. At 6 mo old, I know he should be getting the vast majority of his nutrients from me still and really only trying out these solid foods as "practice." Well, he clearly thinks he's completely ready for a cheeseburger, fries, and large milkshake, and acts like nursing is a colossal inconvenience at best. After all, it requires him to be still, which he detests. He'll take approximately two swallows and then arch and twist until I sit him up and he can confirm the world is still as he left it. Then its back down for two more swallows and repeat. 75 times. If I hold him real tight and try to keep his focus right in front of his face by waving my fingers or getting him to grasp my thumb, I may get 4 swallows for my efforts. But that is interspersed with him beating the side of his body with his fist like a gorilla in heat. Seriously, this kid.
So for all the google responses that came back to me with something like: your child will let you know when he's had enough. And don't try to fit in that extra bit or one last swallow, because then you'll be promoting unhealthy eating habits and he'll probably grow up to be morbidly obese.... (ok, I added that last part, but it's all being said between the lines) Have they taken into account the 10-second nurser that Forrest has become? And if I let him "be done" when he wants to be, that he would get probably like 2 ounces of milk all day?
All that being said, this was a highly helpful site that did answer some of my questions: But I still am a little worried that at 6 mo., Forrest is much more interested in food than milk. How do I convince him that lying back, relaxing, and snuggling against his momma to nurse is not such a terrible thing? At this rate, I'll be lucky to even get a high five in a year.... and I thought little boys loved snuggling their mommas....