Wednesday, January 28, 2009

woman to woman

I often wonder about the women of the Middle East.  I wonder if they truly realize the disparity in the lives they lead with the lives women in developed countries lead.   I wonder if repression and oppression become so instilled they just become content?  And if they aren't content, could they ever be truly happy?  I read the book, Infidel, in the past year or so.  It is an amazing and insightful book that portrays the intricacies of living as a woman in a muslim society.  The woman who wrote it literally took her own life in her hands to publish this unfiltered truth of a life and religious culture she claims can hold literally no hope or promise for women. 

I am blessed because of so many things, but largely, because i can choose.  I can say "I will".  I have ownership over that pronoun. much of the world does not. I can't stress enough the freedom that is found in my faith, either.  Because of a conscientious choice I made to surrender to a Saviour who knows me intimately; to give him everything; to give him that "choice" i clung to so desperately,  I am now know the greatest freedom i've ever experienced.  The paradox is strangely quieting.    I feel for those heart breaks for the life they have had to endure and the future they know awaits.   I want to help them, but i'm not sure how.

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