Wednesday, April 8, 2009

all butterflies

Bo is coming home so soon!  After  his arrival date changing four times and now a week to ten days later than expected, he is en route.  They left Afghanistan today and were traveling to Italy, Spain and then home to Nellis AFB.   I know they had a 16-20 hour layover in Spain, so i'm imagining him right now on the beaches of southern Spain sipping sangria and taking in the sun and civilization around him.   I know he was ready to come home....saying i am ready for him is an understatement.

Hearing on Friday that he was coming home not in a few days, but in a whole other week was like a punch in my gut. We had already made a lot of plans for the following week, including appointments with realtors, mechanics for his truck, etc.  Everything was able to get rescheduled however, and i've actually done well keeping insanely busy this week.  My broadcast reel is coming together and the third VUSN news show will hopefully be edited by tomorrow. It has been so challenging, but also rewarding this semester to push myself in the broadcast realm and do things i've never done before. It would be easy to say i couldn't because i've never been really trained at anything broadcast, or even had a real class on it. For me, its been a trial and error journey though, and i am proud of what i have produced and accomplished this semester.   We also just came out with the 10th and final issue of The Voice.  We put in an insane amount of work on this last issue and wanted so badly to go out with a bang.  It was great to see it come together and everyone really pull through. From the feedback we've gotten, it was out best issue to date.  THAT is a good feeling.   

Without Bo, I've really poured myself into my work this year. In part because it took my mind off the loneliness and the daily challenge of a strenuous workload was somehow soothing as I could never get out of my mind how hard Bo was working and what strain he was under.  Perhaps in that struggle, i felt closer to him.   Now that he is coming home, these last few weeks before graduation are going to be tough to maintain any motivation.

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